Okay so I know that the first thing you liberals will point out is that smartness is not a word, well that is only because liberals have control over the dictionary. The European liberal elites control Oxford Dictionary and the American wannabe European elites compile Webster’s.
With the invention of the internet we can now be connected 24/7. There is the Facebook and the Twitter that allows us to chat with our friends, keep up with our favorite celebs and even join discussions and talk to people with similar interests.
It is these discussion boards where the liberal trolls prowl. They search high and low for a fight on conservative discussion boards. They usually start the conversation by saying something extremely intelligent and original like Sarah Palin is stupid and Rush Limbaugh sucks. Then they wait for conservatives to respond to their comments. Once you respond and back up your responses with facts, these patchy faced kids call you stupid and disappear into the abyss of the internet.
They consider themselves brave and edgy because they insulted someone from the comfort of their La Z Boys while eating a bag of Rice Cakes. They are brainwashed liberal clones. The media is their Bible. They read books like the Post-American World, Mein Kampf, and Why Daddy is a Democrat by Jeremy Zilber and consider themselves the educated elite.
They search out Sarah Palin, Fox News, and Glenn Beck discussion boards in order to show off their superior intelligence. Next time you are trying to have discussions with hard working conservatives and a liberal troll chimes in, just stand your ground and soon enough he will cross his arms and declare that his superhuman intelligence should not be wasted on such mindless dribble. He will then emerge from his parent’s basement to cash his government checks.