Sunday, October 2, 2011


How do you know when a countries government is GETTING TOO BIG? Well first of all you can compare it to the COMMUNIST NATION OF NORTH KOREA, or should I say the Democratic Republic of North Korea. They truly live in the world that George Orwell warned us about when he published 1984.The most important thing to understand about a government whose only concerned with power and control of money is that they must also control the media to CONTROL THE MASSES. YES THE MEDIA!!! Look at North Korea; they have two TV channels that spew out nothing but government PROPAGANDA. THE RADIO, TELEVISION, and NEWSPAPER are all controlled by the government. The internet is not even allowed to be accessed except by the top leaders of the country. They even have members of the military go out to every shack to make sure that residents did not mess with their antennas to pick up stations from South Korea.

I think that all of you Pixar fans know exactly where I am going with this. YES THAT’S RIGHT, CARS 2!!! This is not just another cute PIXAR film. This is the dawning of a new era where entertainment in OUR BELOVED COUNTRY is designed specifically to SPEW OUT PROPAGANDA.

LARRY THE CABLE GUY, I AM ASHAMED that someone who I expected to be a member of the RIGHT SIDE (Googled it, IT’S TRUE) would star in a film that was designed for the sole purpose of brainwashing young kids with the party line. THINK OF THE CONSEQUENCES, it is creating a new generation of hippies, hipsters, and protestors. They KNEW that even children who were destined to join the young republicans club would come see this movie. They also KNEW that if there is ANYONE that kids listen to more than their parents it’s cute talking cars.

PIXAR, which is considered to be the best of the best when it comes to producing children’s movies, has given up their creativity to become a part of the CHANGE that the left wants for AMERICA. They gave up their pride in their work to spew out LIBERAL PROPAGANDA. My only question now is JUST HOW MUCH MONEY DID IT COST? HOW MUCH DID IT COST LIBERAL PROPAGANDAISTS TO COMPLETELY OVERTAKE PIXAR?

THEY ARE TARGETING CHILDREN. DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN SEE THIS MOVIE!!! If you do next time you are filling up your car with gas your kid will be screaming at you from the backseat to stop "KILLING LIGHTNING MCQUEEN". Soon they will be telling you to GO GREEN or even worse eating veggie burgers and drinking soy milk!!! No matter how many times you tell them that unlike the delusional, fairytale Pixar film, THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE FUEL AT THIS POINT!!! The only option is using gasoline or buying an extremely expensive hi-bred and still USING SOME GAS!!! SORRY kiddos in the real world there isn’t a hippy mobile to save us from the evils of BIG OIL!!!

Here’s an idea for a third CARS film, Sally and McQueen and an Unexpected Surprise. Sally experiences an unexpected surprise at her next doctor’s appointment. When she informs McQueen that she expecting a little motor head and asks him what he thinks he informs her how important it is that she has the right to choose her own destiny. She is very thoughtful and thinks how hard it would be to raise a little car while McQueen is always gone racing so she uses her power of CHOICE AND DECIDES TO KILL IT!!! HOW’S THAT FOR A CHILDREN’S FILM?

Note: I guess the atrocity that is CARS 2 should not come as too much of a surprise after Wall-E which was slightly laced with go green propaganda.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Starbucks and Wal-mart

Everyone who is unfortunate enough to have met an extreme left liberal knows that they truly believe that Wal-Mart is EVIL and DESTROYING AMERICA. Yes Wal-Mart which is the same store that I consider my fortress of solitude. Wal-Mart gives millions of hard working Americans jobs (many of them disabled). From the rows and rows of discounted items to the smiling faces that greet me at the door it is overall a magical shopping experience. So you may ask yourself why these LIBERAL ELITES view Wal-Mart as an EVIL EMPIRE. Is it because they are big corporation that refuses to unionize, because they are the only company able to sell GIANT BARRELS of Vlasic pickles for an astonishing $2.98, or because they have control of 25% of this nations toothpaste sales? It is for all these reasons and much more.

Wal-Mart is a classic American Dream story. Samuel Walton who grew up from humble beginnings as a poor peasant in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, later became the greatest entrepreneur this world has ever seen. He established his very first Wal-Mart in Rogers, Arkansas. His dream was to create a store that provides quality goods at the lowest possible price. Wal-Mart is a classic example of competition and free markets working. Why is Wal-Mart bigger then every other big box store? Because IT IS BETTER and DEFEATED ITS COMPETITION. Liberals will whine and whine and say, “Oh well that’s not very nice.” Well that’s life NOT EVERYONE CAN TAKE HOME THE TROPHY!!!

Here is what I really don’t understand about the liberals. They complain about Wal-Mart being an evil big business yet Starbucks is a liberal breeding ground. Yes, that is right Starbucks the biggest coffee corporation in THE WORLD, yet the liberals love it. They go there, order their insanely expensive venti latte’s (a.k.a. BIG SLURPS) and sit down on their Mac’s while sipping Espresso. It gets even worse when they meet up with their liberal cohorts and discuss (very loudly) their opinions on world events and politics. You cannot walk into a Starbucks without overhearing conversations about America forcing their ideals on other countries or how half of America is brainwashed by religion and the Republican Party.

Don’t get me wrong I also believe that the inventor of Starbucks was a great entrepreneur. Just like Wal-Mart Starbucks started out as a small business. They created great tasting coffee and eventually DEFEATED ITS COMPETITION as well. Now they are located on every corner of major cities. The question remains, why do liberals hate Wal-Mart and love Starbucks? There is a simple answer; it is the Jack Johnson music continuously playing in the background that makes liberal hipsters CRAZY FOR BUCKS.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Liberals, Trolling the Internet to Give them a False Sense of Smartness

Okay so I know that the first thing you liberals will point out is that smartness is not a word, well that is only because liberals have control over the dictionary. The European liberal elites control Oxford Dictionary and the American wannabe European elites compile Webster’s.

With the invention of the internet we can now be connected 24/7. There is the Facebook and the Twitter that allows us to chat with our friends, keep up with our favorite celebs and even join discussions and talk to people with similar interests.

It is these discussion boards where the liberal trolls prowl. They search high and low for a fight on conservative discussion boards. They usually start the conversation by saying something extremely intelligent and original like Sarah Palin is stupid and Rush Limbaugh sucks. Then they wait for conservatives to respond to their comments. Once you respond and back up your responses with facts, these patchy faced kids call you stupid and disappear into the abyss of the internet.

They consider themselves brave and edgy because they insulted someone from the comfort of their La Z Boys while eating a bag of Rice Cakes. They are brainwashed liberal clones. The media is their Bible. They read books like the Post-American World, Mein Kampf, and Why Daddy is a Democrat by Jeremy Zilber and consider themselves the educated elite.

They search out Sarah Palin, Fox News, and Glenn Beck discussion boards in order to show off their superior intelligence. Next time you are trying to have discussions with hard working conservatives and a liberal troll chimes in, just stand your ground and soon enough he will cross his arms and declare that his superhuman intelligence should not be wasted on such mindless dribble. He will then emerge from his parent’s basement to cash his government checks.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The See N' Say, Creating Gambling Addictions Since 1965

With the invention of technology there are a number of things that are threatening the American family today. The television, radio, and the internets are obvious inventions to blame on the destruction of good old fashion America values. However there is a toy much older than these that may pose just as big of a threat to our children. Yes that’s right, the SEE N’ SAY creating young gambling addictions since 1965.

You remember this toy, you pull the lever and a giant arrow spins around until it finally lands on an animal; and the cow says MOOOO. We all probably had these as kids and we of course had our favorite animals. Since MATTEL decided not to include ELEPHANTS I always rooted for the frog. I cheered and cheered to hear the FROG SAY RIBBIT RIBBIT. Then sixteen short years latter ended up bankrupt on the cold streets of Las Vegas; digging quarters out of the gutters just for another chance to play the slots.

You may ask me, Well you certainly don’t blame the SEE N’ SAY, do you? OF COURSE I DO!!! The See N’ Say is what taught me to pull a lever and cheer for a result that I CAN’T CONTROL. SOUNDS AN AWEFUL LOT LIKE A SLOT MACHINE TO ME! I pull the lever and cheer and cheer for those three delicious cherries to fill my screen.

That’s right let your kids pull that See N’ Say lever. Just remember that you have been warned and when your kid is begging for change in Atlantic City; remember that THE ELEPHANT SAYS, TOLD YOU SO!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


INDEPENDENCE, this is what we as AMERICANS strive to achieve. This is what our ancestors fought and lost their lives for; so that we could be free. They wanted to live in a land where no one could tell them what to do. When they felt that the Government was overstepping their boundaries and intruding into their lives they just moved. They refused to be pushed around by big government policies and agendas.

Today we call ourselves progressive and independent but are we? If the government started moving in on us this day and age would we be willing to move out to the boonies to get out of their reach? Think about it, we are no more independent then a child. We rely on others to grow our crops, build our cars and homes, and provide our meat.

If we were truly independent we would only work for ourselves, we would get to work on a vehicle that we created out of natural materials; we would build our own highways, and gather lumber and sod to construct our own houses. We would grow our own gardens for vegetables, and we would search out and kill animals for meat. This is the true meaning of independence and self-reliance.

Ever since president Franklin D. Roosevelt we have forgotten the life of the rugged pioneers. He said that government and government alone could solve all the problems of the great depression. We Americans still remember that it was not his big government ticket that ended the great depression; it was the Second World War. In fact it was his Big Government ticket that started this tradition of borrowing money and creating a huge federal deficit.

Dont believe the LIBERAL LIE, There are still FRONTIERS in AMERICA.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Will Not Come Together Under the Hammer and Sickle of Communism

I am what you call IDEALIST; LIBERALS tend to call folks like me UNREALISTIC or just plain naïve. However they are the ones who are naïve. They are the ones that promise paradise and utopia if we all make sure that everyone is educated and brainwashed with their liberal ideas. We idealists know that no one is perfect so paradise is out of our reach. However, we are optimistic about the fundamental values of this great country. We are the ones that still believe that our country has a unique constitution and that though we are not perfect we are still that shining city on a hill that the rest of the world can admire and look up too. If you libs want to move to PARADISE you can find it in Nevada just nine miles outside of Vegas.

I now realize how dangerous liberals are making the world these days. It is as if we do not remember the COLD WAR. Well it seems that we need to put our cold war glasses back on because communistic ideas are running rampant in today’s society. In last week’s address to the TRUNKERS I mentioned Dairy Queens commie bars, well just like these bars most communistic propaganda is very well hidden. Its intentions are to send subliminal communistic messages into our brainwaves. THE SCARY THING IS THAT IT IS WORKING.

Just the other day I was filling up my car with gas and I secretly thought to myself that I sure wish that I did not have to pay for gas. Soon after I realized that my mind had been taken over by LIBERAL PROPAGANDA.

I traced back my steps to figure out what could have caused this awful thought and then realized that it was the ROCK 104 radio station. Earlier that day I was jamming out to what I thought was a song about HARD WORKING AMERICANS coming together. There was no way that I could have known that instead it was about coming together under the HAMMER and SICKLE of COMMUNISM.

It is well hidden, the song begins by talking about a man with dirt up to his knees, well this sounds like a hard working American to me. It goes on “I know you, you know me… you got to be free.” This could easily be referring to the STARS and STRIPES that unite all Americans despite their socioeconomic status. Once I dug deeper I found that this song was written by the BEATLES a.k.a. THE KINGS OF COMMUNISM.

It was almost too late it had already placed ideas inside my head of wanting the GOVERNMENT to buy MY GAS. I only know one cure for liberal lies and that is one HEAPING BOWL OF EL RUSHBO SOUP.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

SpongeBob SquarePant's Liberal Agenda

I have NEVER been a fan of Nickelodeon and have always held the opinion that it is corrupting the youth of America. Today the channel is worse than ever. iCarly, the most popular show on Nick, is about a pot head brother and liberal activist sister living off the government in a fancy apartment in Seattle. A channel that was once known for their cartoons has now been taken over by lazy liberal rich kids preaching propaganda.

This channel has been taken over by the liberal media for quite some time now. It dates all the way back to the early days of SpongeBob SquarePants. This show started out as a plot to secretly make young minds more accepting of homosexuals in our society. It gets much worse as the seasons progress and has now become a show designed for the sole purpose of turning kids GAY. Just think about it, he lives in a FRUIT and has secret love affairs with his best friend Patrick. I also recall an episode where he and Patrick raise a baby clam together, AS A COUPLE!!! This show has become a TOOL for liberals to convince kids at an early age that it is okay for gays to get married and raise children together.

THEY ARE BUILDING AN ARMY by BRAINWASHING those who are easily influenced. They are slowly creating a newer, LARGER GENERATION of LEFT WING EXTREMISTS.

Parents, you may think that your kids are too young to be influenced by these things, THAT IS NOT TRUE. People tend to underestimate the POWER of SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES. DO NOT underestimate the mind control efforts used by the LIBERAL REGIME. Each one of these small things that seem insignificant is a part of what THEY like to call the POST AMERICAN WORLD. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN FREEDOM FIGHTERS!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


People are constantly asking, what is wrong with America today? Well if you even assume that there is something fundamentally wrong with this Beacon of Hope on a Hill then YOU my friend are THE PROBLEM!!! Yeah, you know who you are. You are the skinny boy with black rimmed glasses whose only job is to sit in your La-Z-Boy and scratch your facial patches while you ponder STUPID questions. YES, I did say facial patches because you DO NOT have enough testosterone to grow a REAL BEARD.

You by definition ARE A LIBERAL. You want nothing more than to seek attention; you use many words and say NOTHING AT ALL. In fact this is a tactic. You believe that the more you talk the smarter you will sound. YOU keep talking and talking until people are so exhausted they just assume that you know what you are talking about.

You memorize a few key talking points and if the subject is ever shifted from your small puddle of knowledge you resort to name calling.

PLEASE do us all a favor and instead of trying to think, look and see if your stupid questions have already been answered. Next time you ask yourself why we all don’t just share the wealth, or why doesn’t the government provide a house for everyone that has a job. GOOGLE IT!!! ITS BEEN DONE AND IT HAS FAILED!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


What is threatening America today? Is it Al-Qaida, The Mexican Drug War, the increasing federal deficit or Brian Williams? It is all of these things but more importantly there is something that has been going on for years secretly brainwashing Americans and promoting communism within the United States of America. Yes that is right, I am talking about the RED star bars being sold at Dairy Queens across the entire U.S. It is so simple and so discrete that many hard working Americans miss it. Check it out for yourselves, go through the drive thru and order a Star Bar. The First thing they will ask you is if you would like RED or Red White and Blue. YES, this IS a trick question to which I always respond, BETTER DEAD THAN RED COMMIES!!! This IS a CONSPIRACY orchestrated by RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS dating back to the year 1985.

The sale of these RED bars IS a political statement against the GREAT GIPPER’s anti-COMMUNISM stance in the 1980’s. It gets much worse than this however, they also purposefully make the RED Bars taste much better than the Red White and Blue. This is practically forcing people to choose Communism over freedom and virtue.

Next time you go to Dairy Queen and order a StarKiss Bar maybe you should ask yourself if you are willing to trade your freedom and self respect for a delicious treat.

NOTE: Have you ever noticed that Dairy Queens Logo is RED; Coincidence, I think not!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


C. A. N. A. D. A. What do these letters spell? SOCIALISM!!! We do things different in America. We are hard working and self reliant. In the good old days of American idealism when people noticed a pot hole in the old dirt road, what do you think they did? Well, they certainly did not wait for the government to come and repair it. They banded together as neighbors, friends and as Americans and filled the hole with their own two hands. THIS IS AMERICA!!!

Canucks on the other hand would wait days, months, and even years for the government to come and do the same job that any able bodied person could do. The Urban dictionary offers the best definition for Canucks; it describes them as parasitic leaches that enjoy the freedom afforded to them by better men (this is referring to AMERICA of course).

People always tell me that because I have only visited the frigid waste land, known as Canada once, I should not make such harsh criticisms. I’m a reasonable person so I decided to take another venture across the border. The minute I crossed the border I could feel the forces of big government pushing in on me from all directions. Once I arrived in Winnipeg I glanced around at all of the shops. All the names were generic and unoriginal like Cost-U-Less, Canada Tiger Discount Store, and Drug Mart. This is a sign of pure SOCIALISM. SOCIALISM stifles creativity. You don’t see any Wal-Marts or Sam’s Clubs because SOCIALISM does not allow entrepreneurs like Sam Walton to create these beautiful ideas. Instead you see generic stores whose produce is overpriced due to lack of competition.

I had seen enough and was ready to return to the LAND OF THE FREE. On my way back I stopped at a gas station, this is when I saw it, SOCIALISM at full force. Government Hired Helpers at the We Serve Gas station. Canucks don’t even pump their own gas. They allow the GOVERNMENT TO DO IT FOR THEM. I am not talking about the good old American days when gas stations hired mentally challenged people to pump gas so they could feel useful, like Gomer from Andy Griffith. I am talking about people paying higher taxes so they do not have to pump their own gas. I felt surrounded by big government SOCIALIST ELITES. I rushed out of Winnipeg and made a straight shot south for the Promised Land.