Sunday, March 27, 2011


People are constantly asking, what is wrong with America today? Well if you even assume that there is something fundamentally wrong with this Beacon of Hope on a Hill then YOU my friend are THE PROBLEM!!! Yeah, you know who you are. You are the skinny boy with black rimmed glasses whose only job is to sit in your La-Z-Boy and scratch your facial patches while you ponder STUPID questions. YES, I did say facial patches because you DO NOT have enough testosterone to grow a REAL BEARD.

You by definition ARE A LIBERAL. You want nothing more than to seek attention; you use many words and say NOTHING AT ALL. In fact this is a tactic. You believe that the more you talk the smarter you will sound. YOU keep talking and talking until people are so exhausted they just assume that you know what you are talking about.

You memorize a few key talking points and if the subject is ever shifted from your small puddle of knowledge you resort to name calling.

PLEASE do us all a favor and instead of trying to think, look and see if your stupid questions have already been answered. Next time you ask yourself why we all don’t just share the wealth, or why doesn’t the government provide a house for everyone that has a job. GOOGLE IT!!! ITS BEEN DONE AND IT HAS FAILED!!!

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