I have NEVER been a fan of Nickelodeon and have always held the opinion that it is corrupting the youth of America. Today the channel is worse than ever. iCarly, the most popular show on Nick, is about a pot head brother and liberal activist sister living off the government in a fancy apartment in Seattle. A channel that was once known for their cartoons has now been taken over by lazy liberal rich kids preaching propaganda.
This channel has been taken over by the liberal media for quite some time now. It dates all the way back to the early days of SpongeBob SquarePants. This show started out as a plot to secretly make young minds more accepting of homosexuals in our society. It gets much worse as the seasons progress and has now become a show designed for the sole purpose of turning kids GAY. Just think about it, he lives in a FRUIT and has secret love affairs with his best friend Patrick. I also recall an episode where he and Patrick raise a baby clam together, AS A COUPLE!!! This show has become a TOOL for liberals to convince kids at an early age that it is okay for gays to get married and raise children together.
THEY ARE BUILDING AN ARMY by BRAINWASHING those who are easily influenced. They are slowly creating a newer, LARGER GENERATION of LEFT WING EXTREMISTS.
Parents, you may think that your kids are too young to be influenced by these things, THAT IS NOT TRUE. People tend to underestimate the POWER of SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES. DO NOT underestimate the mind control efforts used by the LIBERAL REGIME. Each one of these small things that seem insignificant is a part of what THEY like to call the POST AMERICAN WORLD. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN FREEDOM FIGHTERS!!!
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