Monday, March 21, 2011


C. A. N. A. D. A. What do these letters spell? SOCIALISM!!! We do things different in America. We are hard working and self reliant. In the good old days of American idealism when people noticed a pot hole in the old dirt road, what do you think they did? Well, they certainly did not wait for the government to come and repair it. They banded together as neighbors, friends and as Americans and filled the hole with their own two hands. THIS IS AMERICA!!!

Canucks on the other hand would wait days, months, and even years for the government to come and do the same job that any able bodied person could do. The Urban dictionary offers the best definition for Canucks; it describes them as parasitic leaches that enjoy the freedom afforded to them by better men (this is referring to AMERICA of course).

People always tell me that because I have only visited the frigid waste land, known as Canada once, I should not make such harsh criticisms. I’m a reasonable person so I decided to take another venture across the border. The minute I crossed the border I could feel the forces of big government pushing in on me from all directions. Once I arrived in Winnipeg I glanced around at all of the shops. All the names were generic and unoriginal like Cost-U-Less, Canada Tiger Discount Store, and Drug Mart. This is a sign of pure SOCIALISM. SOCIALISM stifles creativity. You don’t see any Wal-Marts or Sam’s Clubs because SOCIALISM does not allow entrepreneurs like Sam Walton to create these beautiful ideas. Instead you see generic stores whose produce is overpriced due to lack of competition.

I had seen enough and was ready to return to the LAND OF THE FREE. On my way back I stopped at a gas station, this is when I saw it, SOCIALISM at full force. Government Hired Helpers at the We Serve Gas station. Canucks don’t even pump their own gas. They allow the GOVERNMENT TO DO IT FOR THEM. I am not talking about the good old American days when gas stations hired mentally challenged people to pump gas so they could feel useful, like Gomer from Andy Griffith. I am talking about people paying higher taxes so they do not have to pump their own gas. I felt surrounded by big government SOCIALIST ELITES. I rushed out of Winnipeg and made a straight shot south for the Promised Land.

1 comment:

  1. Surely u cannot be serious writing this about Canada and the Canadians.
